10:50 AM


We're buying consumer reviews
current review rate is $ 2.00

This site is the only place on the Internet you can earn some cash just for writing the reviews! You could review anything around you including: any products, hi-end technics, companies, hotels, politics, cities, stores on your street, or even your neighbors pets! We'll pay you for all of the reviews. Did you visit a barbershop today? Review it and get paid! What about your shopping today? Review the shops you visited and get some money back in your pocket! Did you return from a vacation? Review the hotel and its staff, the car you rented, cities you visited, restaurants (including McDonald's), fashion stores and street markets ... everything!
Everything can be reviewed and every review can be paid! Take just a few minutes and put some of your hard earned money back in your pocket!

How do I get paid ?

You will be paid through PayPal by the email address the reviews were sent from.
The minimum amount to be paid is 50.00 USD. Please make a formal request to be paid.

I still have questions.

You are always welcome to email any questions to :


For begin to review Click Banner above or Click Here

9:33 AM




Member Incentive Plan. $1.00 for an extended review, $0.25 for a quick review and a $1.00 bonus for the first extended review on any product. You can actually see your total earnings! Once you have logged in, you should see a “Earnings Summary” link in your profile peek (the bar on the right side of the page). Click on this link to see how much money you have made.

The Payment module is now live as well! Located on your “Earnings Summary” page is the “Request Payment” button. If you have not yet earned $20 the button will not be activated, but once you have earned a minimum of $20 we will send your earnings to you Paypal account.

We have updated our site search to now allow you to search for specific stores. By switching the dropdown menu beside the search box from Products to Merchants you can find specific stores that list products on our site.

Currently the development team are working on some new members stats features and updating the Member Incentive Plan to include a bonus for rating other members reviews. We are also building a new Member Profile page and building a module to feature our weekly top reviewer on the ComparedBy.Us homepage.



9:32 AM



Pickjack is a network of multiple choice questions that have all been
created by its members.

You earn money based on how many questions you submit and how well other members rate your questions. The goal is to be the top money earner by writing the best, most relevant questions.

Do I get paid real money?
Yes. It is sent to you via PayPal to the email address you used to sign up for your account.

How do I submit a question?
First you must answer a question correctly and then you will see a link inviting you to submit a related question. Click that link and enter your question. Every time you post 10 related questions you are then given the opportunity to post a Top Question.

What is a Top Question?
A top question is not related to another question above it. It is the beginning of a new tree of questions. Members are allowed to post one top questions for every 10 related questions they write.

9:32 AM

Size Of Paper


Sizeofpaper is a pay per post forum but is also growing into a big GPT forum. You can earn money by clicking on ads, posting on the forum, taking part in forum games and other ways. The main way to earn is the Paid to Post part.

You can earn money by posting, referrals, voting and other ways which you will have to find out yourself. Here is the details about SoP (Size Of Paper)

How many cents do i earn?
Normal Members
New Thread: 1 cent plus 0.1 cent per word up to 30 words
New Reply: 0.5 cent plus 0.1 cent per word up to 30 words
Someone replies in your thread: 0.1 cents
Referral: 30 cents
First new post from your account every day: 1 cent


The currency we use on SoP is cents. Every 1 cent is worth $0.01USD. You need to get to $20 (2000 cents) before you can make a cash out. We prefer to do payouts through Paypal but we will also pay via other methods if you are unable to use Paypal. There is no limit to how we will pay you, if you have a new idea to be paid out with then we would love to hear it. You dont just have to do the offers on the site to earn cents, you can purchase them automatically. The reason you would do this is if you wanted to use the PTC section but didnt want to have to earn cents to use it or if you want to use cents for other offers on SoP such as trading with other members.

If you are claiming points then it may take up to 48 hours to make payment. This is because we check every payout request manually and make sure the user hasnt cheated. We check your referrals, ptc clicks, posts and everything else on your account. If you have any recent infractions your payment may be withheld, if you have broken too many rules that we havent caught up on before then you will not receive your payment and may be banned. As long as you earn your cents by sticking to the rules then you will receive payment.


9:30 AM

Platinum Lounge

Here at PlatinumLounge, you earn points for doing things on the site like making a post or referring a friend. Those points are exchanged for cash, based upon your ranking!

So far, we've given out over $55,000 dollars and counting!! FREE!

* New Profile -- 50 points.
* Comments -- 10-50 points.
* New Thread -- 50 points.
* Post a Image -- 5 points.
* Post a Poll -- 10 points.
* Comments & Posts On Weekends -- 30-1,000 points.
* Specials -- 40 to 25,000 points.
* REGISTERING A FRIEND -- 25,000 points!!

Platinum Lounge Ranking System - Time stamp every SUNDAY night at 12.00 midnight Eastern Time. We load 2x's a month -- The 2nd and 4th week of every month !!

1. Lounge ICON -- 1st Level --- $10.00 -- MVP Thursdays
2. Lounge MVP -- 2nd Level --- $7.00 -- MVP Thursdays
3. Lounge All Star -- 3rd Level --- $4.00 -- MVP Thurdays
4. Lounge Pro Bowler -- 4th Level -- $3.00 -- Money Mondays
5. Lounge Starter -- 5th Level -- $2.00 -- Money Mondays
6. Lounge Honor Roll -- 6th Level -- $1.00 -- Money Mondays
7. Lounge Varsity -- 7th Level -- $0
8. Lounge Rookie -- 8th Level -- $0
9. Lounge Waterboy -- 9th Level -- $0
10. Lounge Newbie -- 10th Level -- $0

9:30 AM


Ciao is a multi-million-strong online community that critically reviews and rates millions of products and services for the benefit of other consumers. Available free of charge to consumers in local language versions in major western European and North American markets, Ciao combines unbiased consumer reviews and up-to-date price information from hundreds of online retailers to make it the most comprehensive source of intelligent shopping on the web. Testimony to Ciao's success, more than 38 million consumers visit the site every month, making it one of the largest shopping portals in North America and Europe.

How can I earn money by writing product reviews?
Reviews of some products will be awarded a small cash payment every time a member rates them "helpful", "very helpful" or "exceptional". To take advantage of this, write high-quality reviews about these products to ensure that you receive numerous positive ratings by other members.

How are earnings for member ratings calculated?
Your earnings for ratings of your reviews by other members are calculated by multiplying the number of ratings per review by the remuneration rate for each of the reviews written. These totals are then added up and your overall earnings calculated once a month.

Do I earn more for writing the first review about a product?
Yes. If you are the first member to review a product in a pay-per-rating category, you will be paid twice as much for the positive ratings your review receives as the rate indicated by the dollar signs next to the product name. You will receive double the rate for the first month after you publish the review only. Thereafter, ratings will be remunerated at the usual rate.

How exactly does the Premium Fund work?
We offer the authors of particularly high-quality reviews - reviews which really make it easier for readers to make product decisions - extra rewards. Each month, a “Premium Fund” of up to $2,000 is divided among the best authors.

9:12 AM


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Our goal is to provide internet users a place to earn money using the web on a day to day basis. It's easy, sign up and start discussions, post responses or comments to current discussions, news or blogs, or refer friends! Referring friends is a great way to earn passive income on myLot. A myLot account is all you need to get started. Click here to open an account.

myLot User Profile

9:10 AM


Clixsense is a unique opportunity for you to earn extra money for FREE! You get paid to view other members advertisements and get paid for each full ad you view.
Receive a monthly paycheck for your activity.
By taking advantage of the ClixSense online advertising program, as a potential online consumer, you can actually get paid for your web browsing, up to $5.00 for every 30 seconds worth of work. The income you earn is paid directly to you every month. The best part about the ClixSense program is that as a potential online consumer, there is no charge to register your new account and begin earning money immediately.

Payments are made via AlertPay!

Per click $ 0.01
Ref click $ 0.005
Premium click $ 0.012
Prem.ref. click $ 0.01
$ 5.00



Per click $ 0.01
Ref click $ 0.005
Premium click $ 0.012
Prem.ref. click $ 0.01
Payout $ 5.00


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Ref click $ 0.005
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Premium click $ 0.015
Prem.ref. click $ 0.01


$2.00 Instant Payouts





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