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Ciao is a multi-million-strong online community that critically reviews and rates millions of products and services for the benefit of other consumers. Available free of charge to consumers in local language versions in major western European and North American markets, Ciao combines unbiased consumer reviews and up-to-date price information from hundreds of online retailers to make it the most comprehensive source of intelligent shopping on the web. Testimony to Ciao's success, more than 38 million consumers visit the site every month, making it one of the largest shopping portals in North America and Europe.

How can I earn money by writing product reviews?
Reviews of some products will be awarded a small cash payment every time a member rates them "helpful", "very helpful" or "exceptional". To take advantage of this, write high-quality reviews about these products to ensure that you receive numerous positive ratings by other members.

How are earnings for member ratings calculated?
Your earnings for ratings of your reviews by other members are calculated by multiplying the number of ratings per review by the remuneration rate for each of the reviews written. These totals are then added up and your overall earnings calculated once a month.

Do I earn more for writing the first review about a product?
Yes. If you are the first member to review a product in a pay-per-rating category, you will be paid twice as much for the positive ratings your review receives as the rate indicated by the dollar signs next to the product name. You will receive double the rate for the first month after you publish the review only. Thereafter, ratings will be remunerated at the usual rate.

How exactly does the Premium Fund work?
We offer the authors of particularly high-quality reviews - reviews which really make it easier for readers to make product decisions - extra rewards. Each month, a “Premium Fund” of up to $2,000 is divided among the best authors.

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I am just an ordinary person, I want to have a lot of friends for sharing anything, especially online business
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